Get your free printable Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheets here. Other pages require the kids to read the sentences and color the images correspondingly – two pages have smaller images and 4 pages have a larger image of a boy or a girl and kids have to color their clothes and hair as described in the short “story”. Two of them ask the kids to connect the sentence with the picture that goes with it (for example they have to connect the sentence The apple is red. There are 8 reading activity pages waiting for you. Get Free Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheets Read and color worksheets are best for this. Reading takes time to master, especially when it comes to new materials. Encourage all students to try their best when reading.

A short passage for young learners to practice their reading. Read the sentences aloud to your students or kids and have them solve the problems. Kindergarten Reading worksheets on the topic of space. With younger kids, emergent readers, who might not yet be able to fully solve these reading comprehension worksheets on their own, these can also be used as listening comprehension worksheets.

With short and easy to read sentences along with images that have to be either connected with the sentence or colored correspondingly, these are more than fitting for kindergarten. And even in the same age group not every child is at the same level (some will find these difficult, some will love them and for some they will be far too easy). We practice a phonics skill, reading fluency. We created a few different versions, with different approaches as we know not all kindergartens read at the same level. 20 Reading Comprehension Passages Free Kindergarten TeachingBiilFizzCend. Strong phonemic awareness is a requirement to be able to read words this way. This reading technique requires mastery of letter sounds first before you can proceed. With a better understanding of sentence construction, words, and written and. Fun and easy kindergarten reading activities will help build kids’ vocabularies and instill in them a sense of grammar and language. More experienced kindergarten readers will love these Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Worksheets. Normally, teachers introduce reading by demonstrating the blending technique. Reading opens up a whole new world for kids, and kindergarten activities for reading are invaluable to their learning and growth.